3...2...1... Blast Off! Rocket is an agitator and it makes no apologies! Drawn from Ashtanga yoga, Rocket is a thoroughly challenging, rebellious, uplifting and 'prana-fueled' practice. Use the breath to surf the air and get those feet off the floor. Rocket gives you the opportunity to get into all those inversions, giving it that playful edge it has become known for. Hugely popular in the West, this practice harnesses and cultivates serious power accompanied by an awesome playlist!
Jivamukti is a beautiful flowing class rooted in Astanga. It integrates the physical, spiritual and psychological aspects of yoga and focuses each month on a specific theme set by founders Sharon Gannon and David Life. Expect a strong vinyasa based practice, a sprinkle of chanting, philosophy and meditation, hands on assists, ending with deep relaxation... all accompanied by a magical playlist. A truly uplifting practice.
Mandala combines the fluidity of a vinyasa practice, with elemental work inspired by the Mayan calendar. Expect to open the practice with yin poses to prepare the body for the dynamic sequence to come, and to close the practice with yin (balancing the practice and preparing your body for savasana). Mandala Vinyasa moves 360 around the mat, and combines movement and breath in a way that resembles a dance. For those you that like to invert, there is also plenty of opportunity for that!
Vinyasa literally translates as 'to place in a special way'. As a style of yoga, Vinyasa is about consciously linking movement and breath to create a beautiful flowing and fluid sequence of movement. Expect a dynamic class with a slightly faster pace in which the journey into the poses is as important as the asana itself. Find your breath and enjoy the ride! This style is sometimes taught in a heated environment. Check studio schedules for details.
Yoga Nidra, also know as yogic sleep, is a practice which brings the body into a state of deep relaxation whilst keeping the mind alert. It is an effortless state of being which will leave you feeling refreshed, calm and ready to take on the world. Also used therapeutically, yoga Nidra has been shown to be effective in helping sleep, alleviate post-traumatic stress syndrome, and even boost creativity: a truly transformational practice for the mind and body. Richard Miller says: "The Goal of Nidra Yoga [...] is the release of self-destructive patterns and recognition of our selves as pure awareness."
Yoga Nidra can be tailored for personal practice or in a one-to-one settings. Please enquire for more details.
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